Carl Rivera

Hey! My name is Jay and I live in Brisbane, Australia and I have decided to start this blog so I can raise awareness of the importance of industry and manufacturing. I am not a professional who works in this sector but my dad was the manager of a manufacturing plant for many years. When I was growing up, I would often visit him and see the men working on the machines below. It was a wonderful sight. Even though I didn't enter into the same profession as my dad, I have developed a keen interested in the sector. I hope you enjoy my blog.

The Trend: What’s New for Civil Structures

12 January 2019
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Evolution is necessary. The world has to change for you to witness improvements and have a better standard of life. This is the premise that civil engineers and manufacturers use as they work together to deliver structures that meet your needs and stand the test of time. It all begins with the materials they use before transitioning to the design and construction phase. Civil structures must rely on technological advancement in the production of construction materials, utilities and design. Read More …

Hiring a Refrigerated Unit for a Party: A Guide

18 December 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If you are planning a party, you have no doubt spent time drawing up a guest list, looking for DJ and planning the food menu. However, one thing you may not have considered is the amount of refrigeration space available to you. This is something many people don't think about until their guests start to complain about warm beer and a lack of fresh food. You can avoid these issues by hiring a refrigerated trailer. Read More …

Is your soil making your cables overheat?

3 October 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Are you having problems with your electrical cables failing? Do you find that cables buried in your land have a shorter lifespan than you would expect? Have you just had a catastrophic electrical failure caused by overheating cables? If any of these situations describe what you are experiencing, then there could be a problem with thermal conductivity. Soil has much more of effect on your cables than you might think. Read More …

3 Reasons Why Industrial Facility Managers Should Use Remote Operated Vehicles for Water Tank Inspections

12 June 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Water is getting scarce, which has resulted in the growth of competition between industrial water use and human consumption. However, businesses are taking it upon themselves to change the current state of affairs, for instance, by looking for alternative sources of water so that business activities are not affected. Trapping and storing rainwater in sizeable underground water tanks is one way that industrial facilities are tackling water scarcity. However, to benefit from stored rainwater, regular water tank inspections are mandatory. Read More …

Two reasons to keep the roof of your industrial facility in good condition

8 May 2018
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

It is extremely important to ensure that the roof of your industrial facility is kept in good condition. Read on to find out why. To prevent the cold air that emerges from your HVAC system from escaping Most industrial facilities have commercial-grade HVAC systems, which ensure that the temperatures inside them remain at safe and comfortable levels, even in instances where a facility has a lot of heat-producing machinery. However, if your facility's roof has multiple holes, the cold air that emerges from your HVAC system will end up escaping through these openings. Read More …