
Hey! My name is Jay and I live in Brisbane, Australia and I have decided to start this blog so I can raise awareness of the importance of industry and manufacturing. I am not a professional who works in this sector but my dad was the manager of a manufacturing plant for many years. When I was growing up, I would often visit him and see the men working on the machines below. It was a wonderful sight. Even though I didn't enter into the same profession as my dad, I have developed a keen interested in the sector. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Perfect Powder: The Benefits Of Powder Coating Your Metal Roofing

24 July 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Metal roofing was once limited to storage sheds and utilitarian commercial buildings, but the practical benefits of modern metal roofing are seeing it installed on more and more residential properties every year. With the many advantages metal roofing can bring, it's easy to see why, with its durability, wind resistance and ease of fitting making it highly prized. However, metal roofing does have one big problem to contend with -- rust. Read More …

How the Selective Use of Heat Can Help Engineers With Complex Projects

18 July 2017
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Project designers often need to come up with interesting and unusual elements in order to please ambitious project developers. Sometimes these elements are purely aesthetic, but other times they may be key to the structure in question and able to withstand heavy loads. Designers and engineers have to work with a variety of different materials in order to come up with their finished product and frequently need to use heat to bend the materials in question. Read More …